A stop-motion animation created by a renowned Czech filmmaker and book illustrator, Jiri Trnka. IN CZECH ONLY.
Three worlds meet in this story: the noble world of three Athens couples, a common popular world of tradesmen amateur theatre and a fairy-tale happiness of magic creatures as elves and nymphs.
Based on William Shakespeare's play of the same name, the film is considered the most remarkable Jiri Trnka's work and a milestone in the history of world animation.
A Midsummer Night's Dream, 1959. Directed by Jiri Trnka, running time 73 min. IN CZECH ONLY.
Jiri Trnka (1912-1969) brought to the screen works from Kosmas, Shakespeare, Chekhov, Hasek, and others. From tragedy to comedy, Trnka made adults appreciate puppets like nobody else.
“With 18 short and six feature-length animated films, Trnka was rivaled only by Walt Disney Studios in output. Revered as the pioneer of a remarkable new genre of animation that utilized puppets, Trnka conveyed the drama and psychology of his characters through his figures’ body language, expressive lighting, and camera movement. A prolific artist, beloved book illustrator, and author before making his first movie, Trnka had enormous impact on the development of animation in his country, and he inspired the careers of an entire generation of filmmakers around the globe.” — Film at Lincoln Center
Screening begins on the rooftop at 8 pm. Bar opens at 7 pm. Refreshments from the Bohemian Spirit Restaurant will be available – cash only.
Tickets $10 are available online through Eventbrite. Seats are available on first-come, first-served basis.
This event is organized by the Czech Center New York in collaboration with the Bohemian Benevolent and Literary Association.